Digital Services

Pronunciator Database

Always wanted to learn a new language? Trying to become more familiar with certain phrases? Want to brush up on a language you learned long ago? Try using the Pronunciator Database!

This database it available to you with a library card, and gives access to lessons for learning over 100 languages. Lessons can be quick catch up or long term practice, and you can log in with your library card at any time!

Check out Niche Tutorials here for a full guide to Pronunciator, how to get started and how to use it on your smart phone

Once you log in to the database and select which language you want to learn, you can explore the course options. The options vary between daily, primary, personal and learning guides that allow you to explore different countries and cities.

Courses offer several options as well to transform the way you learn and your relationship to the language. This includes conversational lessons, sentence creation and essential phrases. There are also resources to find different plays, texts and music to help you hear and learn the language in a different way.

Enjoy and explore the world of languages that awaits!

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[…] an Account Bluebird App (Apple Devices) Bluebird App (Android Devices) Pronunciator Blog Post Bluebird FAQ Page Pronunciator […]

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